You’ve Finished Writing Your Book…Now What?

By Guest Author, Ellen Snyder

Writing a book is an amazing accomplishment…but also extremely daunting and overwhelming. You pour your heart and soul into a piece of writing for months—even years. You’ve built up your connections through writers groups, publishing options, and reading clubs. You’ve sifted through multiple titles, covers, and introductions. You’ve gone through thousands of edits, and your book is finally ready to print and distribute!

But how are you going to get people to read it?

The first option is through your limited network of friends and family—they will naturally want to support you and read your book and give you feedback. You might be able to reach out to some colleagues and ask if they would be interested. You can post it on Amazon and you can promote it through local communities. You can send out a press release and create a social media strategy and the list goes on.

But how do you respectfully ask your friends, family, and colleagues to buy and read your book? How do you go about setting up your page on Amazon? How do you write a press release and who do you send it to? Is anyone even going to read it? And what is the point of a social media strategy if you don’t have a team of champions to like and share the content you post?

At Hometown Reads, we understand the importance of a strong community of authors and readers. After all, how can you build your house if you don’t start with a solid foundation? The HTR staff and I want you to know that the Hometown Reads site is and always will be focused on promoting local authors to local readers to create a community of #readlocal.

But, if you are interested in pushing your book marketing to the next level, then we would like to introduce you to the Weaving Influence Book Marketing Action Guide. As you all know, Becky Robinson, the founder of Hometown Reads and the #readlocal movement is also the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, a marketing firm for authors and social influencers of primarily business and leadership books.

Recently, Becky thought about how to help those authors and social influencers that weren’t quite sure of where to start with launching their book while keeping in mind that not everyone has the budget for a consulting firm. This is where the Book Marketing Action Guide was born! After months of brainstorming, the Weaving Influence team created an online class taught by Becky with guided PDF’s and checklists to help guide the experienced, and inexperienced book marketer.

If you would like to learn more about the Weaving Influence Book Marketing Action Guide, you can feel free to click the link!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or

Meet Ellen Snyder

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

Ellen is a marketing communications specialist for Weaving Influence and also a member of the Hometown Reads staff. She is involved in social media posting, email support for Hometown Reads, and posting for the Hometown Authors blog.

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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