How small can you get?

how small can you get?
By Guest Author, Leona Carter

How small can you get? What do I mean by that? In the world of marketing and understanding your ideal client there is a massive group of people that you can reach. But as I have learned in my author journey, a book for everybody is a book for nobody. So as I take the bigger picture I need to go smaller and narrower for my audience.

Every time I narrow my focus of the audience I get smaller. I have recently rebranded from helping mothers to helping the wives. What I have learned in that transition is, as an author, I am able to reach my new audience because of how small and narrow my focus is.

When writing a book, It’s important to speak directly to my ideal audience. I’m not writing a book for the masses I’m getting smaller and smaller.

Every book, every business, every store, and every clothing line has an ideal client. The smaller your focus is the easier it is to market and write to your client.

How small can you get?

  • I write for an audience of women readers.


  • I write for an audience of married women readers.


  • I write for an audience of married, women, readers who never experienced motherhood.


  • I write for an audience of married, women, readers who never experienced motherhood and is married to a mama’s boy.

I have taken the bigger picture of women readers and made it very small and specific.

Writing and marketing your book is about fine tuning your reader. The more specific you can get the better.

Another thing to consider is where my reader purchases books or where they shop and eat. We want to market and promote to our readers. The more specific you are and in-tune with your readers, the more it allows you to be just as specific in your marketing efforts.

You can even expand and market to family members, the employers, and the friends of your target market readers.

If you are having trouble building a following or an email list one suggestion is connect and collaborate with an organization who also serves your audience. There are organizations that market regularly to your ideal audience. If you connect with this organization to offer your services to this audience you can utilize this platform.

For Example: 

  • If your book is for mothers and then connect with organizations that also serves mothers.
  • If your book if for people with disabilities then connect with organizations that serve individuals with disabilities.

You can also become a client and subscribe to the organizations that serve your ideal audience and learn what is being shared with your audience. What other organizations are they in collaboration with.

When you connect with other organizations it’s not competition it’s collaboration. You want to look for organizations that serve in a different way then you serve. There’s always companies that want to offer more to their clientele and your services or resources could be the enhancement that the company is looking for. Present your services as an enhancement and extension to the great service they already provide to your ideal audience.

Finally, use speaking to promote your book and brand. I help speakers book speaking engagements every single month on the platform of their book. Many start with their book to build and enhance their brand. Speaking provides an opportunity to connect with your audience better than other efforts. Your book positions you to knock on the door that event coordinators open. Your book also provides a powerful marketing tool to position you as an expert in your industry in the marketplace. Once conference coordinators and attendees connect with you at your live speaking event they are able to accelerate the know, like and trust factor. It’s the reason why you save that picture of the famous person we’ve met once in our life. That first impression will make a lasting impression.

Meet Leona Carter

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

Leona is an International Empowerment Speaker, Best-selling Author, Life Strategist and Talk Show Host. As the President and Chief Executive Officer of Carter Strategies, Leona helps new and emerging speakers break into the market and consistently book speaking engagements every single month. She also helps married women build intimacy with their husbands.


Married since 1995, Leona, and her high school sweetheart, Omarr, have six beautiful children. Leona and her family moved from Seattle Washington to Kalamazoo Michigan for the tuition-based program called, The Kalamazoo Promise, where her family was featured in the New York Times. You can connect with Leona at

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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