Do Something Every Day

By Guest Author, Doranne Long, PT, MS

As a physical therapist, preparing to publish Your Body Book Guide to Better Body Motion with Less Pain, I purchased John Kremer’s 1001 Ways to Market Your Books. I read it from cover-to-cover, all 700 + pages. I turned down corners of pages, highlighted, checked off the boxes, and added sticky notes. From all of his very helpful information, the take-away message for me–do something every day!

Staying in Motion

One of the basic laws of physics, an object in motion tends to stay in motion. It is easier to keep moving forward with the marketing of my book when I put in, even just a little bit of, effort, every day. I give myself credit for keeping the ball rolling, if it is sending e-mails, staying up-to-date with social media, trading books with other authors in exchange for reviews, or creating speaking and teaching opportunities.

It is fortunate I enjoy public speaking and teaching. When presenting, I have books available for sale. When teaching, students receive complimentary copies of the book. I have an insert requesting they write a review to post on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads.

I have been told because I am an author, I have more value as a public speaker, and because I have initials after my name, my book is more credible.

Focus on Your Gifts

Along the same theme of keeping balls rolling, I am very aware I am only able to juggle so many balls. I love to share on Facebook, about upcoming events, authors, book reviews, and more. I do keep an active e-mail list. I am not tweeting nor using Pinterest etc.  I just don’t have enough time, energy, or expertise. I am aware of my own gifts and talents; I focus my attention on what I can do without exhaustion. There are times when I feel the ball has stopped, but then an order comes, or another speaking engagement is scheduled, and I pick up steam again and keep moving forward.

In Grants Pass Oregon, we have created AIM (Authors Innovative Marketing). Our group of published authors share information to better market our books. We work together to promote our members and their craft, increase public awareness of our authors/illustrators and their work, expand our readership and increase personal sales. We meet monthly, which is helpful to keep us moving along. In between meetings we communicate via e-mail and on our AIM Facebook page. We are developing our website. We update each other about our current marketing strategies and have presentations. We read and review each other’s books. We create author events and publish articles about our authors. We support our libraries and local book stores.

Bottom line, we share what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to marketing our books.


Meet Doranne Long, PT, MS

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

Doranne Long, PT, MS, physical therapist and author of Your Body Book Guide to Better Body Motion with Less Pain. She is passionate about empowering others, through education, to successfully manage their health and life.

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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What People Are Saying

  • Learning to juggle everything…it can be so hard. Thank you for sharing your own experiences with all those balls in the air. (wry grin) It’s good to know I’m not alone in this precarious balancing act. (another wry grin)

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