The Book Marketing Action Podcast

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Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, a digital marketing agency that specializes in marketing books and connecting leadership and business professionals with ever-growing networks.

The vision for this podcast is for Becky to share what she has learned in the 8 years of business book launches and what she continues to learn daily. At the end of every episode, Becky will share actions you can implement to reach a wider audience with your book and message.

We want to be your guide in focusing on the actions that will make the biggest differences for you over time.

In addition to our podcast, we offer a signature course on our website called The Book Marketing Action Guide. The guide is a comprehensive 4-phase course that is designed to help authors build their platforms, launch or re-launch their books, and get their books to their intended audiences.

Questions? Reach out to us below or send us an email here.
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