News Flash: Books Don’t Sell Themselves
It takes effort to get a book noticed, and whether you publish independently, traditionally, or somewhere in the middle, you’re the one who cares most about your work.
It takes effort to get a book noticed, and whether you publish independently, traditionally, or somewhere in the middle, you’re the one who cares most about your work.
Writing a book is only a small part of the actual process of becoming a successful author. Once the imagination has been transferred into print, it is sent off to an editor, where countless hours are spent polishing a rough manuscript into a novel that you hope and pray that readers will enjoy.
Most authors shudder at the word “marketing.” By nature, many of us are introverted. We are most comfortable seated at our computers, talking with the characters in our heads. It is how we communicate best―through the written word. However, in…
Writing a book and having it published has been one of my greatest joys. I spent years developing my writing skills by taking courses and reading everything I could get my hands on. However, one thing I never really learned about was how involved I…
I attend a large writer’s group and, at 59, I’m actually on the lower end of the age spectrum. I’ve notice whenever our speakers talk about setting up a platform most of the group goes into zombie eye glaze mode. This week I spent three hours…