Marketing and Promotional Tips
Promotion is the single most powerful tool for one of the craft. It matters not what craft you choose but choosing a promotional platform can be a daunting task. Her are my top ten marketing tools.
Promotion is the single most powerful tool for one of the craft. It matters not what craft you choose but choosing a promotional platform can be a daunting task. Her are my top ten marketing tools.
For me, life in general has always been about people, and that includes promotion. For me, direct contact works best.
As authors, particularly of niche topics, we sometimes struggle to find a way to connect with our audience.
Here’s a chance to put into play the same creativity you used to shape your novel. This is why I’m going to suggest the same method of marketing another writer suggested to me.
It takes effort to get a book noticed, and whether you publish independently, traditionally, or somewhere in the middle, you’re the one who cares most about your work.
Writing a book is only a small part of the actual process of becoming a successful author. Once the imagination has been transferred into print, it is sent off to an editor, where countless hours are spent polishing a rough manuscript into a novel that you hope and pray that readers will enjoy.