Marketing and Promotional Tips

By Guest Author, Crystal L. Gauthier

Promotion of your work is essential for both novice and veteran. Promotion is the single most powerful tool for one of the craft. It matters not what craft you choose but choosing a promotional platform can be a daunting task.  Her are my top ten marketing tools.

Top 10 Marketing Tools:

  1. Social Media: There are so many sites, these days to join every online group you can. Join websites such as blogs, BookBaby, BookBub,Reedsy, Booktastic, Ereader News, Just Kindle Books, Bookish Creations and many more. Remember the more places your name is the more people will recognize you.  Here are some additional social media ideas.
    A. Facebook 
    B. Reddit Look up international Social Media,
    C. Twitter Turn on translate and start posting.
    D. MeWe
    F. Tumbler
    G. BingBing
  2. Graphics: There are many ways to make your own posters/teasers. Here are a few apps that have been very helpful to us. Just to name a few.
    A. Canva
    B. Pizap
    C. Phostoshop
    D. Animoto
    E. Giphy
  3. Branding yourself: You must come to that table with the ability to talk about yourself and your book. If you do not feel comfortable talking to people, become a part of the social media scene and make a logo to show who you are and what you represent. 
  4. Educate yourself: It is so important to go on a search engine like Google and Bing, do some research on how to be an author, and the tools you will need to help you market a book for success.
  5. Research for you book: A good books has a lot of research behind it, such as romance, couple interaction, ways to murder a person, historical references, planetary knowledge for sci-fi and much, much more.
  6. Meta Data: These are the words you will use to describe your book. Like: Fiction, Literary, Sci-Fi. But also use words to describe your book and genre the will catch the eye like, Heroine, Hero, Novelette Coming of Age.
  7. Make friends and asking people to like your pages on social media.
  8. Make a website or hire someone to do it and spread the word.
  9. Links are your friends: Thes are the pathways to get to the pages you want your fans, readers and friends to get to quickly and easily. Links are found at the top of a web page; all links will start like this https:// or www.
  10. Reviews:  Ask, ask, ask, it never hurts to message, email or call someone to ask them to give you a review on your book, if you can get over 50 reviews, you can do anything. Try hard ad you will be rewarded.

Meet Crystal L. Gauthier

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

Crystal L. Gauthier and Genevieve Scholl are co-owners of Southern Owl Publications. Crystal is the founder of both Southern Owl Publications and Promouvoir Promotions. She comes to the table with over eight years of experience as an author, paralegal, bookkeeper and editorial assistant. She currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband. Genevieve Scholl is an accomplished author with many years of book publishing, formatting and cover design experience. She is a Federal Court Reporter and resides in upstate New York.

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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  • Thank you so much for having me on your blog. I hope my tips are helpful.

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