Finding Your Way

By Guest Author, K.S. Trenton

There are certain things we all want. A cover image which catches our reader’s eye in a single glance, conveying that our book is the one for them. A blurb which reinforces this impression, teasing and intriguing with a hint of what’s to come.

Say we’ve done this. Say we’re all doing this. How do we make our books in particular stand out?

There’s no single way to accomplish this. Many techniques exist to capture a reader’s interest.

Here’s a chance to put into play the same creativity you used to shape your novel. This is why I’m going to suggest the same method of marketing another writer suggested to me.

Play around and have fun.

Yes, marketing takes time, patience, and effort. You need to keep at it on a regular basis for readers to notice you.

If you’re not enjoying yourself, how can you expect anyone else to enjoy your tweets, posts, and other attempts to draw readers’ attention to yourself? This is your baby, your book. If you’re not excited, talking about its release into the world, why would anyone else be?

Channel your excitement into your marketing. Play with it. Figure out ways to introduce your materials to others which will make readers take a second glance. Consider what makes you, yourself, stop and look at something.

What would be a fun way to go about this?

Perhaps you’ll dangle freebie stories in front of your readers via blog. You may come up with quirky, in character tweets which shatter the fourth wall.

The method is up to you. Just don’t forget to have fun. Discover yourself, your author identity in the process. Certain words and catch phrases may come to you as naturally as nicknames. Let them come and explore.

Remember this is taking time you could use to write. The question is how can you use your marketing to enhance and get enthused about that writing? What can you do to fall deeper and deeper in love with your story?

Make every moment of marketing count for both you and your readers.

You may stumble, trying to find the right words. You may only get retweeted once.

Don’t be discouraged. You’re learning. Your way of marketing yourself will come with practice. The more you play, the better you get. The more fun you have, the more satisfied you and your readers will be.

Use Twitter, tumblr, Goodreads, Google +, Blogger, WordPress, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, whichever medium you’d like. Look for opportunities in your local community. If possible, combine it with something you like. Do you enjoy going to the bookstore or the library? Go and strike up a conversation. Do you like the color green? Take some pictures of ivy or clover. Share them in a blog or a tweet, accompanied by a snippet of your writing.

Don’t make this challenge a chore. Make it an art. Your own personal art. It could prove as satisfying as your writing. Use marketing to enhance and improve your overall skill at your chosen style.

May you find your voice. May it guide you to success.

Meet K.S. Trenton

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

K.S. Trenten lives in San Jose with her husband, two cats, and a host of imaginary characters in her head. The cats will only permit her foot to appear in this image since Sage and Cinnamon wish it be known that K.S. Trenten’s primary occupation is feline servant. They have graciously allowed her to write when they don’t require her attention elsewhere. 🙂

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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  • Thank you for having me stop by, Becky!

  • Thank you, Jennifer, for giving me an opportunity to post here!

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