Independent Marketing

By Guest Author, Sharon L. Dean

Marketing a book is tough unless you have the good fortune to have a publisher with deep pockets. Imagine what publishers pay for those full page ads in the New York Times Book Review. Imagine how the publisher uses connections to get your book reviewed. If you’re working on your own without agent and with an independent publisher that has little money for marketing, do some research.

Independent Marketing Ideas:

  • Find places that review your type of book and ask your publisher to send review copies.
  • Research book contests you would be competitive for. Many are free and all have guidelines for what type of book is appropriate to submit.
  • Shout out your release on your social media accounts. Ask friends to review your book on Amazon and Goodreads.
  • While you’re dreaming about a review on NPR, contact your local newspaper and your local radio station.
  • Join sites like Hometown Reads.

You could hire a publicist, but they can be expensive. Do the math. Will you recover the cost? If you don’t, does it matter if you get enough notice to find readers.

Think Local

Think beyond the usual suspects for readings. I read from my bicycle trip murder, Tour de Trace, at a bicycle shop. I read from Death of the Keynote Speaker at a winery. Sadly, that venue had closed when I read from Cemetery Wine, but I had a good turnout at our local library.

Think local and think about your book’s theme. Don’t get discouraged. You wrote a book. That matters.

Meet Sharon L. Dean

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

After giving up a career teaching and writing scholarly books that required footnotes, Sharon L. Dean reinvented herself as a writer of mysteries. Her first Susan Warner mystery, Tour de Trace, is set on Mississippi’s Natchez Trace; her second, Death of the Keynote Speaker, on Star Island off the coast of New Hampshire; her third, Cemetery Wine, in a farmhouse that was on the Underground Railroad. Her fourth novel, Leaving Freedom, is scheduled to be published by A-Argus/W & B Publishers in November 2018. For more information, see

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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