Marketing As If You Are Training for A Triathalon

By Guest Author, Leni Pospie

I packed a bag with copies of my books and press releases, made a list of places I hoped would be receptive to my pitch and started making the rounds. The local libraries were less enthusiastic than I had hoped however they did agree to send my book and press release into their collection department for review. My local school district was proud of my accomplishments and happy to spread the word. Several book stores have shown interest in having me do signings. All of these stops, no matter how hopeful, are just the beginning. Like a muscle that atrophies if it is still for to long, so will potential sales if I don’t follow-up. I felt like the turtle when I longed to be the hare.

It was my stop to the City Hall that was a game changer. I was directed to the secretary of the mayor who was delighted to hear my story. She brimmed with hometown pride and we connected over my two sentence bio. Her enthusiasm was palpable, and she was eager to share my story with the mayor and post a link to my books on the city’s website.

Although this initial meeting didn’t instantly reap notable sales, the seed had been planted. I volunteered to help at local events and am in the process of drawing up a proposal for a writing workshop to be offered at the rec center. I see an ocean of possibilities the more I become involved in city activities and the more effort I put into building relationships with key individuals.

Market as if you are training for a triathlon. Both require countless hours of effort and pounding the pavement. Conserve your sanity and stamina by beginning your marketing marathon in your hometown. You may not be able to see the finish line, but the starting line is within sight.

Meet Leni Pospie

Hometown Guest Author Headshot

Leni Pospie, is a Hometown Reads author from Cleveland, Ohio, featured for her fantasy novel, A Patient Reel. She graduated from Normandy High School in Parma and The University of Akron. Leni is currently studying creative writing at Cleveland State.

About Becky Robinson

Becky is the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, the founder of Hometown Reads, and a champion of the #ReadLocal Movement.

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